Gelecek Zaman İle Pasif Cümleler Oluşturma - Future Passive

+I will be wokenyou will be wokenhe/she/it will be woken
?will I be woken?will you be woken?will Is he/she/it be woken?
-I will not be woken?You will not be wokenhe/she/it will not be woken

Yukarıdaki tabloda görüldüğü, gelecek zaman pasif cümlelerinde, genel pasif kuralında olduğı gibi "be yrd. fiili gelir ve fiil 3. hal yada -ed eki alır" kuralı geçerlidir.

Gelecek zaman pasif cümlelerini, genellikle gelecek ile ilgili tahminler ya da bildiğimiz şeylerden söz ederken kullanırız:

    One day all the work will be done by machines.
    Where will the match be played?

Aşağıdaki cümleleri inceleyelim:

  • The motorway will be closed for three days.
  • The museum will be opened by the Quenn.
  • One day English will be spoken everywhere.
  • This job will be finished in a few days.
  • Your room will be cleaned while you're out.
  • Your tickets will be sent to you next week.

Aşağıdaki örneklerde gelecek zaman pasif olumsuz ve soru cümleleri verildi:

  • The football match won't be played on Saturday. (play)
  • When will it be played? "On Sunday"
  • The visitors won't be taken to the hotels by bus. (take)
  • How will the visitors be taken? "By taxi"
  • The new library won't be built in the Central Square. (built)
  • Where will the library be built? "Behind the Police Station."
  • English won't be spoken at the conference. (speak)
  • What language will be spoken? "Chinese"